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50+ holiday jokes that’ll have your kids (and you!) laughing

Being a parent means you’re constantly finding ways to entertain your kids, whether it be with new board games, fun outdoor activities, and even some clever mom jokes

Kids love to laugh so sharing your favorite puns or knock knock comedy is a parent go-to—but we know it can be tough to continuously come up with new material. I mean, how many times can the chicken cross the road?

So, if you’re on the hunt for fresh funny content to entertain your kids with, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of holiday themed and family friendly puns and wordplay jokes that involve everything from reindeers to snowmen to Santa himself! And don’t worry—we don’t mind if you pass these jokes off as your own. 

What’s an elf’s favorite kind of photo?

An elf-ie. 

Why can’t you tell a joke to a glass ornament?

Because it might crack up.

What was the reindeer’s answer to the math question ‘4+4’?


What is a cow’s favorite part of the holidays?

Moo Years Eve. 

What’s a snowman’s favorite treat to bake?

Ice crispies. 

What did the Gingerbread man put on his bed?

A cookie sheet!


What’s an elf’s favorite soup?

Elf-abet soup. 

What did one vegetable say to the other on Christmas?

Hap-pea Holidays! 

What does a singer use to give gifts?

Rapping paper. 

What do cats write in their Holiday cards?

“Meowy Cat-mas!” 

Why is Santa Claus so good at karate?

He has a black belt!


What did the snowman say to its partner?

“I only have ice for you.”

Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?

Because they’re Santa’s star bucks!


What did the reindeer say after Santa invited her to a party?

“I’ll put it on my calen-deer!” 

What did Santa say to the greedy elves?

Quit being elf-ish!


What’s a reindeer’s favorite food group?


Why did the snowboarder yawn?

She was snow bored. 

Why did the elf want to hang out with Frosty the Snowman?

Because he’s cool. 

What place did Frosty come in at the race?

Frost place.

What’s an elf’s favorite subject?


What’s red and white and falls down chimneys?

Santa Klutz!


Where did the reindeer apply its nail polish?

It’s mistletoes. 

How do reindeers address letters to Santa?

Deer Santa… 

Why did the Christmas cake go to the doctor?

Because it was feeling crumby!


What do you get if you cross a bell with a skunk?

Jingle Smells! 


What does Mrs. Claus say to Rudolph before Rudolph leaves for a party?

“Have a won-deerful time!”

What do you call a polar bear who doesn’t wear shoes?

Bear foot.

Where does the Christmas tree keep all its snacks?

In the pine-try. 

How did Santa cross the road?

With his candy cane!


What do you call a rich elf?


What do reindeers get when they owe money?

A jingle bill. 

What did Santa say to the elf when he invited the elf to his Holiday party?

“We’d love to have you present.”

What do you call an elf who teaches herself to play guitar?


Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?

Because it wanted to be trimmed!


What do reindeer’s say on Halloween? 


What would you call Santa if he was afraid of small spaces?


What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa Claus when she looked up in the sky?

Looks like rain, dear!


What do you call something that’s rich, sweet, and only comes out on cold days?

Hot chocolate.

What did the snowman eat for breakfast?

Frosted flakes.

What do you get if you cross Father Christmas with a duck?

A Christmas quacker!


What did Santa say to the elf when he learnt the elf was sick?

Get elf-y soon! 

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?



What do you call an easy going snowman?

A snowman who doesn’t carrot all. 

What did Santa say to Mrs. Claus before she left for her ski trip?

Alpine for you.

What did one dog say to the other on Christmas morning?

“Today’s going to be a furry good day.”

What goes Ho, Ho, Swoosh! Ho, Ho, Swoosh?

Santa caught in a revolving door! 


What did Santa say when he got back to the North Pole?

“There’s snow place like home!”

What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? 

The Christmas one has no L (Noel)! 



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