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Tag - Preschool

Fall Science Activities for Preschool

Fall Science Activities for Preschool

It’s fall and the perfect time for exploring nature. Here are some fall science activities for preschoolers that will help them investigate science concepts and the natural world around us. Fall Science Activities For...

Acorn Sink or Float Experiment in Preschool

Acorn Sink or Float Experiment in Preschool

When exploring the natural world, the learning opportunities are right out our doors. And the materials you need for learning can just be picked up and carried inside. Recently we went on a nature walk, exploring fall...

Fall Songs and Videos for Preschool

Fall Songs and Videos for Preschool

Do you need some fresh, fun fall songs to use in your classroom? If you’re teaching about fall or autumn, using music and videos can be a great way to supplement your favorite educational themes. There are tons of...