Whether your toddler has said their first words or not, it’s always a good idea to promote communication skills from an early age. Today we are sharing 9 everyday activities to help toddlers talk! The best language development activities are always through a fun game.
Fun Activities To Improve Toddler Speech Skills
Toddlers develop talking and language skills through daily routines and simple play. The more your kids play with you and other people, the more new words they learn. These ideas we are sharing with you are a great way to improve your child’s vocabulary while also giving them the opportunity to learn how sounds, words, and conversations work.
Related: Activities for 2 year olds
Plus, they will learn new skills that will be useful later in life, like social skills, fine and gross motor skills, and more.
Toddlers usually start talking when they are 1 to 3 years old, but every kid is different and learns at their own pace. If they are late talkers, do not worry, these ideas are all about child’s speech development. They will be saying actual words or even complete sentences in no time!
However, if you notice an important speech delay, you can always contact a speech pathologist for more specific speech therapy activities for young children. In the meantime, you can try a fun activity from the list to help your toddler learn simple words.
Ways to Develop Toddler Speech Skills
1. Fun Activities For Teaching Toddlers To Talk
Here are some tips and activities for teaching toddlers to talk. These activities will help toddlers communicate more effectively and develop their language skills in a fun way. Ideas From My Bored Toddler.
2. Get Baby To Talk With These No-Prep 5 Minute Activities
The best thing about most of these activities is that they incorporate movement and/or sensory aspects to really get your little one engaged and to get the baby to talk. From Speak Play Love.
3. The Little Engine That Could ABC Activity
This activity can be done with things you probably already have, such as trains and magnetic letters. Let the kids explore and incorporate the letters into their play and see them communicate with each other! From Growing Book by Book.
4. Alphabet Vacuuming Activity
This alphabet game is very easy to set up as you only need a dry erase board, foam letters, a marker and a vacuum. Your kids will want to play over and over again! From Nerdy Mamma.
5. 2 fun Letter Games with Salt
Here are 2 simple games for children to help practice letter recognition and handwriting. The best part is that you only need salt and some basic supplies! From Learn With Play At Home.
6. DIY Puzzle and Alphabet Activity with a Sensory Bin!
Make early learning fun with this simple rainbow rice alphabet puzzle activity! This sensory play and early learning idea is so easy to set up but provides tons of fun! From Little Bins For Little Hands.
7. Improve Your Toddler’s Speech
Use these 3 simple language games to improve your toddler’s speech and help develop their articulation, language, and pre-reading skills. From Because I Said So, Baby.
8. Letter Sounds Activity Sensory Play
Here’s an activity perfect for science, sensory and alphabet early learning play. Kids have fun practicing letter recognition, letter sounds, and fine motor skills while engaging in water sensory play. From Little Bins For Little Hands.
9. Toddler ABC Sensory Table
Putting together a toddler ABC sensory table is a fun, hands-on way for toddlers to become exposed to letters. And it’s so easy to make! From Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds.
Want more toddler activities? Try these:
Which activities to help toddlers talk did you find the most useful? Do you have another idea we could put here?
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