How to Help Toddlers Wash Their Hands to Prevent Coronavirus

You can help each of your preschoolers learn one of the most effective ways to prevent sickness and spreading germs – hand washing. These days washing hands fights the spread of the coronavirus and other germs. Plus it’s good hygiene practice, washing away all those things little hands pick up in the course of a busy day of play. Preschoolers can wash hands for good health.

Hand Washing Routine for Preschoolers

While washing hands may seem like an easy thing to do, your preschoolers need to practice effective hand washing to fight COVID-19 and other viruses and germs. Teach these steps to your toddlers:

  1. Wet hands with water.
  2. Squirt a small amount of soap into hands and rub hands to lather the soap.
  3. Scrub hands, both fronts and backs. Scrub between fingers, too.
  4. Scrub for at least 20 seconds. Sing a song as you scrub.
  5. Rinse hands under clean, running water.
  6. Dry hands thoroughly.

That is a lot of steps to follow and remember, especially for young children. How do you help them remember what to do? Practice, practice, practice.

Tips for Helping Toddlers Wash Hands

How can you help preschoolers develop good skills in washing hands?

Make practice fun. Finger paint or make handprints with your preschoolers. Then practice washing hands. The paint gives a visual cue of places missed or areas not scrubbed.

Post step-by-step visuals above sinks to help preschoolers practice and remember how to wash their hands.

Pantomime washing hands together as a group. Walk through each step as you pretend to wash your hands. Sing your handwashing song together to practice how long to scrub hands.

Read books about germs and hand washing. Guide kids to remember why washing hands is important. Germs Are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick is a good option for reading.

In this unsettling time of coronavirus, remember that simple steps are a key to prevention. Help your preschoolers develop a good healthy routine of hand washing.

Hand Washing Routine Poster and Book for Preschoolers

Free Editable Daily Schedule

When preschoolers have a predictable and consistent daily schedule in place and they know what your expecations are for each upcoming activity, they feel safe and secure and are ultimately more willing to learn.

I’ve taught both full and half-day schedules and I’ve included free editable templates of both types for you here. To have the editable schedules emailed to you, simply fill out the form below.

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