When exploring the natural world, the learning opportunities are right out our doors. And the materials you need for learning can just be picked up and carried inside. Recently we went on a nature walk, exploring fall. Then we used our special finds for a science experiment.
Acorn Nature Walk
- Acorns
- Bag
- Container
- Water
- Magnifying Glasses
We went on a nature walk and looked for acorns to use for our experiment. The children were so excited to “hunt” for acorns on the walk and they were so proud each time they placed one in the paper bag.
Acorn Science Experiment
When we returned to the classroom, I poured some water into a clear plastic container and asked the children if they thought the acorns would sink or float.
They were very surprised to see that some acorns floated and others sank!
Upon further observation, we noticed that the floating acorns had small holes.
And, there were worms inside some of them!
We put the acorns with holes and worms in our discovery center with magnifying glasses for further study.
We also put all the acorns that sank into a different container to see if any worms appeared over the next week.
The children loved this science observation – and the cost was FREE!
Check out this research-based, playful learning unit in our curriculum shop!
A bundle of 14 of my most popular fall resources, including math and literacy small group activities! Make learning fun with these hands-on resources!
Expand the Exploration
You may want to add other things for your children to explore with the water. Add chestnuts, pecans, or other nuts. Add cranberries (which will float!). Try pumpkin seeds.
Find more items on your nature walk to test in the water. Will twigs sink or float? What about leaves?
In a larger tub of water, you can add small pumpkins, squash, apples, pears, pinecones. Your sink-and-float center could last throughout the rest of the year!
More Science Experiment Ideas
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